I had a dream that I dreamed about being at the cafe at Northwestern with Star (friend from high school), Zack and a voice actress with purple hair.
Later in real life (in the dream), Zack and I met the actress. We went to Northwestern where she and Star greeted each other like old friends. I freaked out because "Guys! I dreamed this! I dreamed this exact situation!"
I got some sweet treats and pretzels.
Tyler was driving me to work, and I was providing turn by turn instructions. I took a large bite of some food and was unable to tell him he had a turn. I pounded on the windows to indicate that he should turn, but he missed it. We ended up on this long, narrow one-way road behind a bunch of bicyclists who were going super slow, and I was panicking because I was going to be late to work.
Later, I lived in a world half-flooded by gorgeous crystalline water because zombies had overtaken and the only way to survive was to live under the water, so humanity had adapted into these vast underwater cities.
Then I dreamed that Zack and I had two apartments--our current apartment and our old apartment. Suddenly, I realized that we never moved out of old and we were paying rent twice, and all our stuff was randomly split between the two.
February 20:
I wore a giant mech suit that had come from aliens. It used to scare me, but I had learned to control it. Wearing the suit, I led an army of skeletons who obeyed my every command. A bevy of police came to "rescue" me, so me, Kevin Hart (yes, the comedian) and his grandma made them think we were completely insane--driven mad by being around these skeletons for so long--then we sicced our skeleton army on them.
Later I was wandering in a post-apocalyptic world trying to survive. I found a Popsicle on the sidewalk at night in Duluth and ate it crouched down, huddled in the snow. Red juice dropped from it, and when threatening gangs approached, I used it to convince them that I'd killed someone here so they kept their distance. Eventually this kid came up and threatened to beat me up if I didn't give him my DMG book. I said no, so he got his big brother--much taller and meaner, wearing a rabbit fur hat. Big brother also threatened me, but I stood my ground and they left. I traded the book at a seedy pawn shop and got some money for it instead.
February 21:
Zack and I were at Matt and Jenna's apartment (but it looked more like the Arden dorms). I was working on some craft while they all watched a movie, and I put pins in my mouth to hold them. Jenna and Zack kept talking to me, and I kept almost swallowing the pins. Then as we were wrapping up, I spit all the leftover pins out but some got so far back on my throat I couldn't get them out. I was panicking and not able to speak and trying not to swallow at all. Eventually they realized that I had pins in my mouth so Zack got a turkey baster and tried to suck them out but it didn't work. I swallowed and all the pins went down, which was terrifying but didn't actually end up hurting me.
Later I was walking on the trails through the woods at my old house. I saw a black bear but managed to scare him away, which was good because at that point I realized I was stuck in the snow on the trail and unable to move.
February 22:
I drove my dad's awesome giant truck to the gas station on County Rd D and Cleveland. I had to circle twice to get to pump because I was so unused to driving such a large vehicle. I filled up the tank only to realize at last second that I should have been at the diesel pump. Sorry, dad!
I was back at my high school and trapped in a really boring Bible class. The teacher started taking suggestions on what our next project should be. One boy suggested writing our own version of the Bible, and I wholly supported that. We spent the rest of the class talking about interpretation of Scripture and making it have a "Lakeview" voice.
February 23:
This dream started set at a swimming pool/skate park. Everyone there was showing off. Carter, Hunter, Zack and I were super excited about this. Later we attended a life-or-death performance for the king. The guy performing in the arena didn't impress the king, so was executed. One guard drew a line across the man's throat before slitting it with his dagger in a gurgling mass. I shot an arrow from the stands to finish him off, despite the fact that I knew it would land the king and his guard's after me.
February 24:
I dreamed I went back to my old job. Sandy, my old boss, was super happy to have me back, but I kept saying it was only temporary and demanding various things if I were to stay (my own office with window, a raise, an hour for lunch, etc). Then I dreamed I was at my current job and that I eEnt outside to hang with the smokers so I could better bond with people. I didn't smoke, but for some reason I pretended too (with an invisible cigarette) and hoped no one would notice.
My sister Nicole was going to have surgery and I took one of her kids (not sure which....it was a baby but was really more like Tinzely, my cousin's daughter). Nicole was super nervous and asked me why I didn't have a letter or poem written for her to give her before the operation. I said that since it was an emergency procedure and I'd just restarted a new job I didn't have time. But I felt bad. We cried together before she went in.
Later I dreamed I was with Matt and Will (high school friends) in a van and learned I was going to be in a parade and this van was our float. I was completely unprepared but made them pull over so I could use the stuff I had in the car to do some last minute decorating.
February 25:
I dreamed I was my D&D character, but that I was disguised as a gnome. Our party arrived at this village just as it was being attacked. We ended up separated from one another in the chaos of the battle. I escaped the battle and found a dark, back-alley shop where people were selling ancient books and scrolls to smugglers who, upon successful smuggling, could resell the books/scrolls to the king who wanted them and turn a profit. The more ancient the book/scroll, the more costly it was to buy up front but the higher the reward upon successful delivery.
I waited in line and when I got to the front started chatting with the girl handing out the books. She gave the more rare books and scrolls to those she deemed worthy and more likely to make a successful delivery. Once I'd gained her trust, I prodded her about where the really good stuff was kept and, after some persuading, she consented to show me later when other customers weren't around. I hung out until the end of the day, waiting until she and her sister closed the shop. I went back with them to their home where they lived with a mish-mash of others people in this very communal setting. Next door was a creepy tower owned by the town's cosmetologist. There was a skeleton in upper tower.
At first I wasn't accepted by the group, but I ingratiated myself by joining in on their fireside stories with a few of my own (all lies that I was very convincing about) and by helping the kids with chores. Finally, they conceded an old, old scroll to me at no cost. At this point it was quite late, and they started to lock up the house for the night, but I protested. I had arrived in this town with my party and needed to go find them--I didn't even know if they had survived the battle that split us up at the beginning!
Someone pointed out that they had put a gold coin on the porch and it was now gone.
"That's no big deal," I said. "Any good pickpocket would see that."
They all became very suspicious of me then (rightly so), eyes narrowing.
I quickly amended, "I mean anyone would see that." And I gave them a coy wink.
After more convincing, I got a small group of them to risk going out at night with me to find my companions. The group started searching for my friends but they were all pretty lazy and started resting all the time by the beach area.
I was getting upset at them and kept asking, "How are we ever going to find them like this?"
That's when I noticed Zack/Malazar (his D&D character) hanging out in the same beach. I called his name and ran to him, but rather than greeting me with a hug, he just quickly pulled me aside toward the water. I noticed then that he had a girl with him on the beach. I got mad and shoved him into the water where he was knocked unconscious. Not actually wanting to hurt him, I dragged him out and started CPR. After resuscitation, he told me to leave him alone.
I was crushed and began to wander off when I found the giant in our party (Grog, a character from Critical Role) and gnome cleric (Pike, also from Critical Role). They were very happy to see me and Grog gave me a big hug, picking me up off the ground. He and I went on this carnival ride together, which was scary because he was way over the weight limit, but we made it through okay.
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The cast of Critical Role -- Grog is in the back...drinking, of course. |