Monday, April 25, 2016

Dream Update: Week 12

April 2:
I was living in this house in Duluth in the woods near a lake. It was quite remote and there were these men who were going all over the town looking for people who had shutters installed incorrectly on their homes. To be safe, most people just removed their shutters when they knew that the shutter-men were out looking. Knowing this, the men also searched for any semi-solid structure without a permit they found in the woods and would tear it down. I was devastated to learn this because of all the forts Tyler and I had built back in the woods.

We were hanging out in the garage of this house, listening the wind and for the shutter-men to arrive when my sister Nicole and her husband Matt showed up in the garage with a "big surprise" for me that they were super excited about. They dragged in two giant metal pickles. They opened them up and inside of each was a decorative fishing net. Apparently they'd found them at a rummage sale. Who would get rid of such treasures?!

My friend Lauren then appeared in the garage with us, chattering about how nervous she was for her upcoming quiz bowl tournament.

Then I was spending the night somewhere with friends Sam and Erin. In the morning we were getting ready to go and had to share one bathroom and one hairbrush. After Sam was done, I went in and started brushing my hair. Erin showed up very upset because it was her turn and I had cut in the line. I apologized and let her have the brush and bathroom thinking that was the end of that. But later after we were all ready she was still acting angry. I asked why (thinking she and Sam had a disagreement I didn't know about) but she told me it was about the hairbrush thing. I was so annoyed and reminded why I prefer hanging out with guys most of the time.

April 3:

I had to move to Texas for work where I lived with three old people on their deathbeds. I remember very distinctly the smell of nursing home food (meat loaf and mashed potatoes on those ancient plastic trays with peaches). The three elderly people put a plastic garbage bag over the AC so it didn't blow so hard because they got too cold. They kept a display in the basement with cockroaches in it.

Then I dreamed about being on seashore. There were alligators and I found clams for my sister Tawnya who at them raw from their shells (I can see this happening in real life).

Finally, I was at this inner city school where the students were trying to be famous. News crews were always showing up to film them.

April 4: 
I was living at the King's house. My mom was leaving, and I ran outside crying to stop her. She told me he had to leave, I said no, we could work it out. All of a sudden from the woods came a baby moose. I heard calls of a bigger moose and I told my mom to run. She didn't at first but then she saw the mom and dad moose charging out of the trees towards her. My car was parked nearby and had the window down. We dashed to the car and climbed in the window to get away, but the baby moose scrambled into the car after us. The parent moose charged at the car and we held notebooks and stuff over the open window to keep him out (because THAT'S going to be effective). I grabbed my purse with one hand and scrambled to find my spare key in there. Just then, one of the adult moose got in the window. We pushed him to the back of the car with baby. I managed to get the car started so we drove to the King's extra land just down the road to release them  moose there.

There was a wildlife center on the land where people could take their horses to wade in this little lake for a couple dollars. HOWEVER, if the horse rolled in the water it was $200 because of the dirt and because "There's no way to know how many ostrich eggs might be affected."

My mom and I tried to figure out best way to get angry moose out of the car and stay safe ourselves. I'm not sure we ever solved the problem because next thing I remember was dreaming that my brother Tyler and I were riding to/from school, and he kept running all the stop signs. I told him if he kept doing so I wouldn't ride with him any more.

I dreamed I was back at my high school playing tabletop games. The guy I was hanging out with told me he was going to teach me new game. He said to get 6d6, and I did, but the numbers on them were all wrong. Then he said to get a d13 and I didn't have that. I ended up unable to play.

April 5:

I dreamed that a bunch of us (Zack, Paul, Matt and others) were hanging out in Duluth at Canal Park. We were walking along when all of a sudden this boat comes driving up on Lake Superior right onto the sidewalk where it morphed into a car. The car stopped beside us and we realized it was Adam driving. Someone said, "Of course Adam has a mariner vehicle."

I took my kayak out on the Lake, but it was super stormy and I capsized. I was dragged down into the dark water by the kayak. When I freed myself, I had to figure out which way was up. When I surfaced, I was being pulled out to sea. I kicked off my dress and shoes and swam to shore where I stole a fuzzy plaid print blanket to wrap up in.

Then I was trying to get ready for church with my whole family. I finally got dressed only I realize that I hadn't done my hair or makeup. Then I couldn't find shoes to wear. My mom and sisters shoes were too big (true story) but eventually I found something and managed to make it out the door.

April 6:
I was going to fly on a plane which was piloted by Kay, the Business Analyst from work. Our flight started with the plane being pulled over pits and hills by an old 4-wheeler. Then we had a terrifying take off from a new runway that was far too short. Jenna, who was flying with me, talked about how she didn't need a jacket because she went to Europe without one once, so why would she need one now?

The landing of this flight was equally scary, but eventually we settled in Georgia beside a guy in mask selling ghost guns. I got into an argument with another passenger about whether or not it was illegal to remove the serial number from a gun and/or replace with a fake one. He insisted it was fine. I insisted he was dumb.

I got off the plan with Zack, Hunter, Carter and my grandma Linda. We took really close up photos of a caterpillar that was friends with a panther. Linda didn't want to go see her sick mom, but that was why we came so I convinced her to go.

Then I was at a mixed holiday celebration that was sort of Christmas, New Years, and Halloween all rolled into one. I was dressed as Trinity from The Matrix. There were lots of people in scary costumes, many of whom helped throw shirts off a Santa float into audience.

April 7:

I was at this hotel when my brother's friend Victor knocks on door. He said that people had sneaked through the window and through his room in the middle of the night. He asked if he and his baby could stay in my room. I then hung out with all my friends who have new babies or are pregnant (Kate, Darin, Sami, Victor, Liz, etc).

Then I was in Canal Park in Duluth (I never realized how many dreams I have that are set in this location!) and there was a Jack Sparrow impersonator was there. I took photos with him and took his sword and pretended to stab him with it. After, he went to his car and changed to normal clothes and got all these paints and canvasses and set up to paint for money instead of Jack Sparrowing for money.

I was driving with my dad in his truck in a campground when we came across a little girl on a trike who was lost. We picked her up and offered to drive her back to her campsite, but she forgot to tell us where to drop her. We drove just past her road, so we stopped and got her out and sent her on her trike back all by herself.

April 8:

I had a to do list, but I only remember the first item:
1. Butcher pigs (kill them if you have to)

Zack was telling me all about Dungeons and Dragons stuff he was reading and how bad stuff sometimes just happens, but other times the adventure is poorly written and it's not the players fault if their character dies.

My cousin Jamie got a house in the Cities was that really nice inside (jacuzzi, big windows) but had no yard and was at the intersection of two busy streets. My sister Nicole called to tell my mom and I about it. My niece Natalie and nephew Mason were riding bikes and Marek, other nephew and the youngest, followed them but was crying while riding and eating ice cream because the ice cream was too cold.

I dreamed I found a bunch of jeans in my underwear drawer.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Dream Update: Week 11

March 25:
My sister Tawnya had a newborn baby girl. I was sitting on a bed with her and went to get up. When I did, she rolled off the edge of the bed. Both Tawnya and I tried to catch her but missed and she fell on her face.

Later, my friend Alyssa and I went out riding horses. Mine was brown and white. After a bit, we each grabbed another horse by the reigns and rode like that. I was nervous I was doing it wrong but she kept saying, "You're doing great. You're a natural!"

We got back to the ranch and let the horses go. A while later, I went outside to visit mine but he was nowhere in sight. I clicked for him, and he came running to me. I gave him a big hug and buried my face in his warm, wonderful neck.

My sister-in-law, Emilee posted a something on Facebook about seeing the world and learning about others. It was very inclusive. A friend, David P, told her he was happy to see her embracing life and moving out of the "homeschool bubble."

There was an ancient video game I tried to play - I believe at an arcade, though I don't recall the details. Then I was at a swimming pool at a hotel. The lifeguards asked if I could surf, and I said "Yes. By which I mean I've never done it before, but I might be able to figure it out."

March 26:
It was winter and I was supposed to give my co-worker Preethi a ride to the company party. As I got to the sidewalk where she was waiting, I tried to stop to get her but car wouldn't stop. I ended up getting it to stop much further ahead in the street. She ran to catch up and was so kind about the whole thing (very true to how she'd be in reality, I think). Then I forgot her at the party, leaving without letting her know, and I just hoped that someone else would give her a ride back.

Then I was in jungle on some sort of reality TV show. There were these spitting plants that would open up to reveal four leaves which spit spirally needles out at you. We contestants were armed with straight needles to throw at them to deactivate their leaves. We killed a snake and ate it. It tasted like ashes. As part of the show, we were all taken to Target where we were told we could buy five items before returning to the jungle. I remember that my team got toilet paper and two little bungee things that we could bounce things off of.

Then I dreamed that I was at the taping of The Voice, sitting right by a performer who did a mash up of some country song and "Devil Went Down to Georgia." He played a violin with no pegs, just strings connected to nothing. So he'd pick up each string and pull it taut to play on it, sliding his hand up and down the string to shorten or lengthen it as needed. It was super cool sounding, but he messed up a lot by skipping words and missing violin solo areas. I tried to comfort him at the end and he turned into a baby with down syndrome. I carried him back to his spot in the audience to watch the rest of the show and told him to be proud. I said "You made it, what, six rounds?" And he said "Four!" and started crying even harder. Whoops.

March 27:
I was trying to get ready for school with all my siblings. They were late. Then I couldn't get dressed to save my life, and ended up wearing every tank top I own layered on top of each other. I realized this was silly, so I picked two to layer, but then the straps were too long. I adjusted them only to realize that shorts and tank top in the winter in Duluth was a bad idea, so I had to change. By this point, my family were all in car waiting for me. There were cats outside. I got my sister Tawnya a gift.

Finally I made it to school where we were taking standardized tests. We had to write an essay as part of the test, but when time was up, I couldn't find mine to leave with my test at the end. It was Valentine's Day and I got a card from someone that had an underwear joke in it. People who didn't get one were jealous. My friends from high school, Barbara, Lauren, Anna, Alyssa and I went out to eat with our parents. Most of our parents paid for our meals, but Barbara had to ask if Lauren's grandparents would pay for hers because she wasn't a "rich Christian." It was quite awkward.

March 28:
There was a large glass wall in the middle of this hallway with a small space at the top between the top of the wall and the ceiling. My friends were on one side of wall and I was on the other. The hall way on their side started flooding til it all came pouring out over the top of the wall. I couldn't do anything but stand there and watch them drown.

March 29:
I was helping Matt, a friend from high school, clean his dorm room. Will (another friend) joked threateningly, "If you have another purple shirt..." Which was funny because Matt had just bought one. Matt made all this weird music (for lack of a better word) that was a compilation of sounds more than anything. He was quite proud of it.

We were camping and did this thing where you strap into harnesses on the edge of this break-away cliff. When the cliff falls, you dangle over this huge drop. It was absolutely gorgeous and surprisingly did not end with me falling to my death.

Tawnya and I were boarding this flight together, but they realized they were missing a passenger who they couldn't leave without. They sent Tawnya and I put to find passenger, and plane left without us. We watched a live hockey game in the airport from a balcony.

March 30:
I was at my high school where one of the teachers, PJ, was teaching a class. I went to bathroom and realized I had no makeup on. I tried to curl and darken my eyelashes with water. When I returned to the classroom, no one was there except one girl writing sentences. I asked where everyone was and she said, "Practicing clapping."

"What?" I asked.

"I was bad because I'm tied and hungry," she replied, "so I have to write sentences while they to have fun."

"Okay," I said, "but where are they?"

"I don't know."

Just then, the rest of the class returned along with PJ. Everyone looked high and crazy. Brandon, my co-worker, was there. PJ asked what they learned. Anna said she learned that it's easy to say "no" before you know someone, but when you have a foundation of trust it becomes harder to say no.

Later my dad and I were on an adventure in caves and had to squeeze between narrow rocks to get through. We were camping with a bunch of other girls and when we returned to camp, they said sewer tank was full, so I said to use public restrooms and showers.

High-school-friend Lauren and I considered jumping off a set of stairs at a high point, but instead moved to lower point and jumped down from there. This super tall guy made fun of us for jumping from so low, so I went on a tirade about how his height and subsequent shock absorbing power made his high jumps way easier. I lectured him on math, physics, and being a jerk, and at the end he relented that I was right.

March 31:
I was at office in the back corner by Brandon's desk. Only this was no normal office, this was a D&D office. All the "lower levels" (not management) were players fighting, and the higher levels would place bets on who would win an who would die. The higher levels were intimidating and conniving, trying to buff the people they'd bet on unfairly. Zack was there too. All the new hires were very nervous and had no clue what they were doing. I ended up matched against a great fighter and lost one of my battles. At the end of the day, they chopped one of the people who had lost a battle in half, but not me since I had a pretty good track record. Somehow I did end up unconscious, and they brought me out into the woods to bury me. I tried to keep it a secret that I was actually conscious so I could run away once they left me.

There was a parade, and all these kids in costumes and crazy cars were coming by. Then I walked through place filled with bats and it was terrifying. They were everywhere and fluttery and rat-like and horrible. Dreamed that PJ wore a scarf/shawl with Narnia images on it, and it was very feminine. I whispered as much to my parents who were watching as well and they loudly agreed, "Why yes Heidi! That Narnia cloak IS rather feminine, isn't it?!"

April 1:
I was taking a college Bible class taught by the fantasy author Brandon Sanderson. I kept forgetting I had the class until I showed up at it each week. I showed up one day real nervous it was my day to present a project because I'd done nothing whatsoever, but it wasn't (whew). The class was held at outside at the gas station on Woodland Ave in Duluth. I sat on sidewalk by Matt (from high school). On our break, we went into the gas station, which was super rundown inside. They had giant sourdough sandwiches (like bigger than my head). Barbara said she thought the bread was under-cooked and asked if she could return it if so. The clerk said no, but Barbara bought the sandwich anyway. My friend Alyssa and her mom were there as well.

I bought something and for change girl gave me two Canadian "20 pieces" of different sizes. I told her, and she gave me a glass with a figurine of a moose in the bottom of it to compensate. She also told me I could come back the next day for a complimentary fish dinner, which I knew I wouldn't like but thought Zack would.

Later my grandpa Marvin came to a place where friends and I were all hanging out. He was limping. I went to give a hug, and he said "Careful for the burn." I looked down and his whole foot was all swelled up and white with red bumps and broken skin in places. It was pretty gnarly.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Dream Update: Week 10

March 18:
I was attending a play at Northwestern that my brother Tyler and his friends were performing (specifically I remember Tyler, Jericho and Mitch being in the play). Jericho was singing and dancing like a pop star, and all the girls were going crazy. He jumped off stage during the performance and walked toward the audience. Everyone assumed he was going to the screaming fan girls, but instead he grabbed his grandma and brought her up on stage and danced with her (yes, it was adorable).

Later Tyler, playing Darth Vader, came down aisle (now at my old church rather than Northwestern). He dropped two swords in our aisle and used the "force" to get them back. This was actually a pre-planned stunt where the members of the audience nearest the swords threw them back to him.

I was supposed to be one such member, but I refused to give the sword up, fighting against the forces of evil. The play itself was about adoption and Darth Vader was not giving someone their social security card so they couldn't complete the adoption. Oh, the sinister plots of sci-fi villains!

I ended up jumping into the play, now being chased by Darth. I grabbed the envelope that contained the social security card and another envelope that was full of junk mail disguised to look like gift cards. I tricked Darth with my sleight of hand, pulling the social social security card out of it's envelope and slipping it in with the junk mail instead. When Darth cornered me, I made him think I was giving up the social security card to him. While he took the envelope in triumph, I ran off stage and gave gift cards to my mom and dad in the audience. Thinking this was the end of the play, the audience remained silent, confused and disappointed at me. I peeked my head back into the auditorium to tell my dad to open the envelope. He did and found social security card among the fake gift cards. He held card up in triumph and the audience cheered. I wish I could say that at this point Darth Vader cried out, "Noooooo!" but that didn't happen.

Later, I dreamed that I wanted to became a police officer, but my sister Tawnya recommended against it because it was too dangerous.

March 19:
There were zombies in the rivers. That's all I remember.

Then, I was the misfit girl going to a volleyball camp where all the popular girls were mean to me. I showed up to practice and they had all planned to dress the same without letting me know (black workout pants, maroon shirts) and there I was in very brightly colored clothing, standing out and looking silly. They later got in trouble with coach for dressing too scandalously though, so there! Ha!

I was on a road trip, riding in the backseat and trying to write short paragraph about how my parents met, got married and had four kids, and that was enough for them. But somehow I just couldn't make the words come out right.

Someone was trying to summarize the book Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers and they kept saying it was based off the prophet Jeremiah, which is wrong and it was bugging me. (It's based on Hosea, if you were curious).

I was part of this reality show where we made people's wildest dreams come true. The guest for the show was this old woman whose dream was starring in the music video of Total Eclipse of the Heart. She loved it. There was a ginormous cake at the end to celebrate as we watched the premier of her music video.

March 20:
I was Japanese (somehow that's very important). Zack and I were at this hotel and then saw there was a GIANT bug under the covers of the bed. We freaked out, but when we pulled the covers back, we realized that the bug wasn't alive so we flipped it onto the floor. Once we got it on the floor, it turned into a plastic toy. I put it in the closet under a laundry basket to keep it from know, like a sane person.

I dreamed something about packing for camping with my family, my grandpa driving us places very unsafely, and there were alarms going off at one point but I don't remember why.

March 21:

Tyler was driving my car on top of a river somehow.

I was loading the dishwasher in some random house with my dad. Out of nowhere comes this giant leggy, flying bug. I said how I hated them and dad agreed. We trapped it inside dishwasher and turned it on. "That'll kill it," I said.

Later, my friend Anna and I were involved in drug busting this wealthy woman who had giant paintings in her office. Like paintings that were bigger than cars. She'd had her office ceiling raised to accommodate them.

March 22:
I was riding in limo with a bunch of friends going to pick up a dining room table. I have no idea how we thought we were going to fit it in the limo.

I was playing a game with friends. My partner and I were trying to find a five letter word for "quil" (yes, one l and yes, I now realize that quill would fit the bill) BUT our hint was a dog in a police uniform upside down in space. Any guesses? Also, we had different character cards and abilities. Each character card had a partner card that they would work well in tandem with.

March 23:
I dreamed that my friend Anna was pregnant, and I got to be there when she told bunch of our friends (including Sam C from elementary school). We all got in my car and were driving on Howard Gnesen Rd on Duluth. Suddenly, this guy walks out into the road right in front of us and starts setting up construction cones to block off the road. But I was moving too fast to stop, so we whipped past. 

A while later, we came to other guys setting out comes at other end to block off the section of road. I rolled down window to let them know they can't just block the road all of a sudden in front of a moving vehicle, but they were all from Africa and I don't think they spoke English. 

To continue driving, I had to go through this big drop off where they'd cut out a section of the road. Just as I did, a large semi cut me off. I backed up to give it space, just staring up at the side of this huge truck. Even still, it kept moving closer to me. Then I realized that the truck had dropped a tire over the section of the road that had been cut out and it was tipping over. I tried to back up faster, but couldn't get away on time. The truck fell on top of the car. Everyone was holding the roof up so we couldn't get crushed. I turned off car to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning while we waited for help (see how thoughtful I am, even in dreams!?).

March 24:
My brother Tyler and his wife Kyra were getting married in this hotel conference room space, but the room was very small. Before the wedding, we were all scrambling around trying to get it all ready in time. Kyra's dress was a long sleeve 60s style lace/crochet deal. Tyler wore holey jeans. 

When Kyra walked down the aisle she kept telling everyone to ring their jingle bells louder. Just then, I realized I had to go to the bathroom and left to do so. By the time I got back, the ceremony was over. 

Once everyone left the room to the reception, the next group who had it rented out (a Celtic music group) arrived and began complaining that we were taking too long. We helped move chairs for them and then they were less jerky.

At the reception, we had some delicious food, but as people started to trickle off, the food was left out and another party came into the room. I was trying to clean all the food up but didn't know where to put everything so the other party started eating our food.

Later, I was at a pool party with a really high diving board. Surprisingly, the dream did not end with me jumping off the diving board only to realize the pool was empty. It was actually just an enjoyable pool party.

I was at my high school, Lakeview, visiting one of my favorite teachers, Mr. O. When he hugged me in greeting, he got chocolate and caramel on my shirt from candy bar he'd been eating. Zack and I sat in on a class together, but it was super cramped because the guy next to me wouldn't scoot over to make space for me.