Thursday, July 7, 2016

Dream Update: Week 17

May 7:
Zack and I were at an event and afterwards my friend Lauren wanted to go visit her dad's graveside. She asked me to go with. I asked Zack if I could and he said yes then he got teary-eyes and told her how sorry he was and to take all the time we wanted.

I was training in a military academy. One of the guys in my class kept giving up on stuff but he was an addict trying to break free, so the drill sergeant didn't throw him out, instead forcing him to keep going as a lesson in perseverance.

Karna, an old coworker from KM, told me all about the meaning of the lyrics of a Sam Smith song and then asked why she hadn't seen me in a while. I told her I'd gotten a new job. At first said it was at KM, but then caught myself and said "Wait, no, it's at UNW."

May 8:
I was sledding down the hall and stairs in LCA (my old school) and trying to video record it in a first-person experience way. Then I wasn't on a sled, but was instead just sliding on my boots. My brother Tyler was in front of me, which upset me at first because I wanted the exp to be like roller coaster tycoon, but after a minute I was was okay with it because he would give viewers context. However, we kept getting stopped partway down the staircase so I wasn't able to finish the video.

In one of the stair landings we got stopped at, my uncle Todd had set up a makeshift animal pen that held a largish sort of kangaroo/rodent type creature. I played with it then put it back in the pen but it got out. I realized there were holes in the pen and I tried to mend them, but every piece I moved to cover one hole just exposed another one.

Then I was at a restaurant trying desperately to get some apple cinnamon French toast but to no avail.

Then I was outside LCA and we were fighting big scary bad guys and monsters, but they wouldn't die. At the last moment, I remembered that I had hidden the blade that would kill them years before in a tree. I ran to the tree, which had grown around the blade now, and started peeling all the bark and wood back. I got the weapon out. It had a long handle with a short, curved blade on the end. I ran back to face this giant muscled bad guy who had a huge sword. I fought him but was only ever able to scratch him with my weapon, which was frustrating.

Somehow we ended up winning and after the battle, all the girls got all fancy and prom-like. I did too but felt like I was not at pretty as the others. Zack told me I was though. (Aww.)

May 9:
I dreamed I went to this vast desert land (I've been there in dreams before) in a fantasy land where I was a princess of the realm. One of the desert tribes captured me. There are two desert tribes - one good and one bad. The good one is the one who captured me, and they were trying to keep me safe from the bad one. I didn't believe them though, and I escaped, running through the desert only to be caught by the bad tribe. They took me to a marketplace with a bunch of stands and people and horses to auction me off.

Then I dreamed I was entering an ultramarathon where you could ride a horse or a camel for the first part before you'd start running. My horse was black and very jumpy but also very fast. He didn't like being too close to the horse in front of him.

May 10:
I dreamed Zack and I were at this burger joint/used car dealership in a western world with airships (because why not?) There were two cowboy/skyship captains there who started fighting. I stood up in between them (sporting some bad ass spurs and a bandanna) and said, "You don't really want a lady to have to break this fight up do you?"
"You're just brave because you have you guns," they replied.
"No, they're back on my airship," I said. I guess they backed down after that.

Then I got hired as the spokes model for a Japanese self-driving car.

Then I was working at KM, UNW and one other place (not the Japanese self-driving car job) and it was just too much. My clients at KM's only communications were IM'd emoticons and it was my responsibility to figure out what they were saying.

Jenna got picked at a Ren Fest to be one of the royal court, but she was nervous because the guy she was paired with was super sketchy.

May 11:
I went to Zack's parent's house, only they were living in a high rise condo. Kahlua (our cat) was there and she went totally feral, clawing and biting and hissing. I climbed on top of the fridge to escape, but she kept parkouring up the wall to get me. I climbed down and ran to a nearby room, closing the door behind me, but she pushed the door down.

May 12:
Sami, a friend from high school, was getting married and I was with the bridal party (but not a part of the bridal party). Everyone was getting ready at this dance studio, and Sami was freaking out not knowing what groom was doing. I started calling all over to find out in order to put her at ease. People were impressed with my savvy. I responded with, "Well, you know what they say, always a bridesmaid...oh wait" because I was both married and not a bridesmaid.

Me and a couple friends got imbued with this massive, uncontrollable power from this old woman. It made us super strong and magical. We were testing out and training our new abilities. I wish I remembered more details about what they were, but alas...

Finally, I was going to LCA's (my high school's) class party at the school and brought tacos but didn't have enough taco meat for everyone. In the car I realized I was wearing a dress but we were going to be playing dodgeball in the gym. There was no time to go back and change though.

May 13:
I was a TA for a professor. I kept writing something (I don't recall what) and crossing it out over and over again because it wasn't right for some reason. There was no escape

I was singing in Christmas Town and Santa smiled at me

Friday, July 1, 2016

Dream Update: Week 16

April 30: 
I was at Costco trying to buy pieces to put together a Christmas centerpiece, but they were all out of the copper bins I wanted. (I planned to fill them gold and white beads and a candle). At the checkout, I ran into my old college professor Amy McCann and her baby. He pooped and it got everywhere, so I helped carry his mattress (which had been in the cart) out to her car but it was all full of poo too and it got all over me.

Paul, Adam, Zack and I were playing an RPG together. I said I wanted to play a bard who believed no one would attack her because she was too pretty. I recognized that this was going to be a dangerous belief to hold, but I was going to do it anyway.

My brother Tyler and I were on a lake in paddle boat fishing. While on the boat, we somehow saw an infomercial for these fishing gloves that connected your right hand to your partner's left and were formed to hold the end of your fishing those cuddle mittens for couples, except fishing. We didn't use them but thought they were weird. Then I accidentally hooked someone's vacant, free-floating pontoon boat and reeled it over to us (apparently I had very strong fishing line). Then we decided we should return the boat to its owner's dock. I had Tyler hold onto the pontoon while I paddled. We went up this narrow river that had cars parked all along the edge of it toward the house I thought the boat belonged to only to find that the house was completely landlocked.

Then there were those Mongolian horse people with super hairy horses whose manes went like 3/4 of the way down their bodies. One horse had it all braided in these awesome geometric patterns. I looked out the window to see one horse carrying another horse in a blanket on its back and a second horse draped over its neck. I pointed it out to everyone (because whoa) but no one else could see it.

Then I dreamed that my nephew Charlie was 2 months old again, but was saying the phrases he says now, most notably I recall him saying, "Be paaaaatient" and "fascinating." I said he must have been sent back in time into his younger body and everyone thought I was batty. No clue why...

May 1:
I dreamed that my old workplace's annual conference, KM Connect, was being held at my childhood church in Duluth. My old co-worker Stasha was set up in lobby on a computer, but then decided this was all just too much and curled up on the piano bench she was sitting on and took a nap. I couldn't figure out why I was there since I don't work for KM any more. Health Forum (one of my old client's) team arrived and my old manager Pat was showing them around. They wanted to meet me so I hid - because I don't work there any more, so it would confuse them to meet me. Then I secretly went away from the conference and left my time card running.

I dreamed a took a shower in a hotel room and I used my sister Tawnya's shampoo and Burt's Bees body wash. Afterwards, I went into town with Zack to buy more to replenish her supply. We ended up on a four-wheeling through a twisty forest trail and had to go real fast around the steep sloped corners to not fall. I don't recall ever getting to the store.

May 2:
We were Jews trying to escape the Nazis. We were climbing down this tunnel on our hands and knees and as we turned the corner saw the door at the end slide shut, cutting off our only exit. I shouted out for them to wait and the door opened. We climbed out into this little bunker with Anne Frank and some others. Suddenly my brother-in-law Hunter turned from a Jew into a Nazi and we were all scared.

I was out kayaking and it got later than I realized. I had to hold up a flashlight to see which left me with only one hand to paddle. I went through this gravel pit with my kayak (somehow) and worried about rocks damaging the bottom of my boat.

This little girl with curly hair who my family had fostered when I was little found us (no, we did not foster children in real life). She was still same age even though I was older. I told her we thought of her often and that my mom still carried a photo of her in her purse.

May 3:
Nicole, Matt, Tyler and I were trying to work out being on vacation together and who was going to do dishes and make food. Nicole and Matt started sleeping on air mattress but it went flat so they moved to a bed. We visited giant mammoth type elephants, only much much taller and skinnier. Sort of like Salvador Dali mammoths.

May 4:
I was either Aragorn or Legolas (it altered between the two) on a ship with a bunch of orcs. I had this whole plan to trick them by getting them to bet with me then sneakily cheating to win. Just when I was about done practicing for the deception, the orcs got all out of sorts because the hobbits were coming. We ended up in combat instead and had to escape by jumping into the ice cold water. All the hobbits there except Sam who had been turned into a giant (like Grawp from Harry Potter). I got Sam/Grawp to pull the others from the water just before an angry orca (not orc. Orca.) would have attacked.

May 5:
I was in my 6th grade classroom sitting in a big blue recliner between old classmates Will and TJ. The teacher was giving us basic math problems on the board, and I was so confused/frustrated that we were doing such elementary stuff. Then this guy who looked like the super model version of an old co-worker Reid showed up asking to talk to me. Outside. He hinted something about me helping him with something and then him helping me sell houses. I reminded him that I don't work in real estate any more. We went out in the hall and then down to the spinning glass doors that led outside. We stood outside on the sidewalk in front of the building and Reid refused to say more to me. He just said we were waiting for someone. I was worried about the class I was missing inside.

Then Reid's dad showed up - Mr. Hot Shot man in a fancy car. He was super tall and very well dressed. He shook my hand just with a firm grip and no movement. I remember Zack saying the more you move a handshake the less professional it is. The dad then pitched this idea to me about a company "like Uber" but you give people a passcode and access to secret places to deliver or pick up goods as well as couriers to run passcode locked boxes for you. Reid got distracted playing in the door so I just talking to the dad at this point. I reminded him of the security nightmare that would cause along with legal issues because what if you end up delivering drugs and don't know?

One of the houses across street had paved their whole front yard and covered with a roof like they have at the gas station. Back inside, TJ, Will and I accidentally ripped the chair and the math teacher changed problems on board after we'd already calculated them so that we'd have the answers wrong.

May 6:
I was playing a card game that was like a cross between cribbage and Texas Hold 'Em with Zack, Hunter and Carter. I had a really good hand but then as I was picking up a new card Zack saw my hand. "I get to draw a card from your hand" he said. I got upset. Apparently this was a house rule I was unaware of.

I dreamed Jenna and I went to a concert that college-friend Rosalee was directing. She came up for intros to start the concert and leaned into the camera and made a weird face. Jenna couldn't stop laughing for the entire concert, even though Rosalee apologized for the face and got professional after that. She was clearly very nervous.