January 22:
It was the fourth of July and we were celebrating at my grandpa's house in Moose Lake (as was our tradition for many years growing up). There was an art place going out of business that was giving away free mystery pieces in their parking lot. Because it had just rained and because most of the pieces were in large, wooden crates, there weren't many people taking them. A yellow fork lift scuttled around the parking lot moving the crates around and dropping them at the few cars that stopped to get their free paintings. Mom made us all take off our shoes in the parking lot, but Dad didn't want to because his socks were going to get wet. We pointed to one of the mystery crates and the forklift moved it toward the car, but before it got there, it fell off and the crate broke open revealing this ugly, giant advertisement print inside. We opted to get a different mystery crate.
Afterwards, my cousin Jamie and I looked at an old photo album containing pictures of us dressed up as the ugly stepsisters from Cinderella. There was a greeting card on her fridge from a friend of hers in which virtually every word was misspelled, but the handwriting was really nice.
January 23:
I was trying to play a game with Adam and a friend of his, but I couldn't find the pieces I needed in order to play fully. They told me I could just make due with what I had. As we dove into playing, I just couldn't wrap my brain around what we were trying to do. It was a long game, feeling rather confused and "behind." Eventually, Liz, Ashley, Felicity and Mira came home from shopping and joined us. It was at this point I found out Adam had been recording our whole session and animated it (somehow) so we all went to the basement and watched it. I had to relive the whole miserable event.
Later, Zack and I were enjoying a sunny day at the zoo. We started playing volleyball with the bears (though we had to use a basketball so the bears wouldn't pop it). Soon, everyone joined in so it was like 100 people vs. a couple bears. The bears were winning. Overwhelmed by all the people, I crept to the back of the crowd, but Zack came and found me. "You're great at volleyball," he said. "You should go up front where you can make some plays and help us win!" So I did. And it was so much fun! But the bears still won.
January 25:
Rachel (from Friends) and I were trying desperately to set Monica up on a date, so we were hanging out at swanky bar waiting for right guy and the right time. Eric made a guest appearance as the chef. While we were waiting, Ross called the bar phone to talk to Chandler. He asked how it was going and if the "bimbo" with us was distracting (we'd brought an acquaintance with to help be "bad cop" so Monica could be the good cop. Bad cop was pretty, but dumb.) The problem was that when Ross called, the phone malfunctioned and turned to speaker phone, so the whole bar heard the conversation go down. Bimbo friend understandably got mad and left with first guy who'd give her a ride (yucky mustache blond mullet guy with 80s band t-shirt.)
Later, I was in Moose Lake again at my grandpa's old house. Out of nowhere, this ambulance shows up at the house. As the paramedics were walking toward the door, I asked my grandpa if he'd called them.
He responded with, "Oh yeah the guy is down by the wood pile."
"What guy?"
"I don't know. The guy."
"Is he alive?"
"Oh no. He's been dead for a while. I dragged him over there this morning."
By this point, the EMTs (a black guy with shaved head and red head chick with short hair in a pony tail) had arrived at the door and I was left with the awkward task of explaining that there was apparently a dead body by the wood pile.
January 26:
I was at my friend Lauren's house by Island Lake. I wanted to shower but the tub was on a rock outcropping in the open, so I didn't. Emily and Gene were there playing football with Tyler until the football got away from them, rolling in the scummy water at the edge of the pond.
I was staying at a guest house nearby, but there was this man who kept getting inside. Like, we'd come back to the house, and he'd be in there watching TV or vacuuming. Finally, I'd had enough. We came back and he was in the kitchen cooking. I yelled at him, so he got really sarcastic back, "punishing" himself by pulling a strip of flesh off his arm to expose the bone there in a very grotesque way. He said he'd cook it up for us as restitution. I ran away and threw up in a waste basket.
Later, my parents were amazed by hinged lamps that let you direct where the light faces. I don't know why this was earth shattering for them, but it was. Technology these days.
We climbed some giant cliffs above the lake, which turned from Island Lake into Lake Superior at this time. Lauren joined me on top of the cliffs and we talked about her recent marriage. Far below us, a huge, huge fish swam by. I asked if it ate meat and she informed me that no, this fish was definitely vegetarian...despite the fact that it had crazy sharp teeth. I'm not sure I believed her entirely. Later, we got picked up by this ship that bends in the middle (like the lamps from earlier now that I think about it. Apparently I was having a fascination with things that bend) in order to make really sharp turns. This ship was captained by a slightly crazy woman who we decided it was best to avoid.
Finally, I dreamed about work and creating test groups in a bunch of client accounts to see if they would respond differently to the HTML uploaded to them.
Also, I really wanted to go running but hadn't shaved my legs and felt like I couldn't leave until I did. Sad day.
January 27:
I arrived at work, but my computer was broken and no one would help me fix it. Also, one of the monitors from my desk was missing. No one cared though because the company was serving us all breakfast. Alyssa appeared on the breakfast crew, but she didn't see me at first because another of her friends was also there and they were greeting each other. As breakfast was wrapping up, this guy who I thought was from work asked me to come outside with him. I obliged only to realize he was trying to kidnap me. I ran away through the parking lot to a little red car that this Hispanic woman and her son were getting into. I grabbed onto the door handle (to give myself an anchor so the man couldn't steal me away) and yelled for her to call for help but she refused. The guy came back and yanked me from the car, my hand slipped off the handle and I pulled off the side mirror in my attempt to keep him from stealing me.
Somehow I got away from him but later saw him trying to steal a young boy. I got him to stop by throwing frozen lunches at him with Will's help. Afterwards, back at the work breakfast, Alyssa and I got a chance to catch up and she told me she was pregnant.
The company hadn't ordered enough food, and all we ended up with were a couple cubes of fruit and these itty bitty sandwich buns. My coworker Kate was really excited about getting a whole apple.
January 28:
I was at a self defense class in this super cool old building with wood floors and marble beams and ornate crown moldings along the ceilings. The teacher was this huge awesome guy who taught us all sorts of kick butt stuff. It was so cool that I had to bring my mom and dad to the class too. During that class though, a super flexible girl with short blonde hair volunteered to help the teacher with an example. He spread out this big mat on the floor and explained that if she followed his instructions exactly, it would all be okay. He ended up kicking her on accident, and she flew forward, missing the mat and skidding across the floor instead. Class ended rather abruptly. Some southern guys were chatting with the teacher after class.
While we were leaving someone I don't know called my name and came up to me to tell me all about her missions trip coming up. Clearly I was supposed to know who she was but I was clueless. I just kept hoping she couldn't make me introduce her to my parents.
Later, Anna and I were driving to a cabin for a sleepover with some friends. We arrived late and it was dark but as we gathered up our things to walk inside I reminded her that it was okay because I'd taken self defense. We still hurried inside anyway.
Also dreamed about being at the house I grew up at playing in the yard with bikes and sidewalk chalk with Tyler. It was just a fun in the dream as it was in real life.
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