Wednesday, October 15, 2014

How Literary Agents Are Like Realtors

Recently, I've had a lot of people asking me questions like, "So how many publishers have you submitted to?" which makes me think it may be beneficial to explain in a little more detail exactly what's going on with this whole process... (Hint: The answer to that question is "none.")

Right now I am sending out query letters to literary agents. This means I email the agent a brief letter telling them about my novel. (No, I do not send them my novel outright.) Then I cross my fingers (and toes) and pray that they will respond asking to see either a portion of the manuscript or (even better) the full thing. More often than not, I can expect a form rejection politely declining. This past week has been especially full of rejections (by which I mean I've gotten three, which isn't so bad really). Nonetheless, to keep my spirits high, I have turned it into a cheer. Both my mom and mother-in-law used to be could I not? Re-Rejection! Re-Re-Rejection!

The good news is I still have two fulls out to agents, so there's hope!

Think of literary agents like Realtors and the book like a home you want to sell. The agents are there to help "stage" your book and make sure that it is as presentable as possible. They are there to help determine where your book fits into the current market and then will present it to potential editors and publishers. After that, they are there to negotiate your contract and ensure you get the best price possible for your book and that your best interests are respected in the contract.

Just because you get an agent does not necessarily mean that your book is immediately published (in the same way that getting a Realtor doesn't mean that your home is immediately sold). But it DOES mean you've got the right person on your team to get it there!

So, no, my book is not getting published (yet! Though that is the end goal!)
But yes, I appreciate you asking about the process, even if the you ask the "wrong" question! In a journey wrought with re-rejection, it's nice to have a few rah-rah-rahs from the sidelines.

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