Monday, October 6, 2014

The Good, the Bad, and the Wheaties Box

The good news: I got a positive response from two of the agents I queried! One is looking at a partial manuscript and one is looking at the full as we speak!

The badgood news: I got a rejection letter from an agent saying my book wasn't right for her.

Why both good? Because love requires judgment. Name one movie/book/food that people LOVE that other people don't HATE. It is good for people to have opinions, and it's all a part of the process.

I am reminded of the line from the movie The Incredibles - "When everyone's super, no one will be." A line I use to this day, except in wildly different circumstances. In college, it was usually, "If everyone has bird flu, then no one does" or "If everyone has homework, then no one does."

So what's NOT good? No response. I hate that. Even though some agents clearly state that they won't respond unless they want to see more, I'm still hoping to get an answer back. (Side note: the agent who responded saying no had also said not to expect a response unless it was a yes, so there is hope for this.)

For now, I am riding the wave of sheer joy that comes with a request for the full manuscript. I scared my cat (and probably my neighbors) when I read the email and started shouting. Allow me to parse this out for those who may not know...

Literary agents can get HUNDREDS of queries every week. (That said, I'm sure this number varies significantly depending on the agent. The "big names" get more than the boutique agencies, I'm sure.) Still, getting a request for a full manuscript is something akin to being invited to try out for the Olympic team. You've got your shot at the big leagues and if you can make it through qualifying, you'll be plastered on the front of Wheaties boxes in no time.

That said, the odds are not in my favor (in trying to get a novel published, it seems they never are), and I am not so naive to think that my work is done. The road to being published is a marathon, not a sprint, but it sure feels good to be taking those first steps!

Currently Reading: The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson

Currently Listening to: Helena by Nickel Creek

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