Tuesday, April 21, 2015

My Google Search History

You often hear writers talking about how their search histories are going to get them in trouble (hi, NSA!). While this book didn't have nearly the amount of suspicious searches as my previous one did (heh, yeah), I still thought it would be fun to compile a list of a few of the searches that I actually used for the book I just finished (draft 1 of) tonight! 

Without further ado...

“What is another word for abstemiousness?”

“How are CIA Agents sworn in?”

“Cool rocks” – Yup, I get real specific sometimes.

“Treat cracked rib”

“Fly to Afghanistan”

“What does it look like when someone dies from cardiac arrest?”

“Batrachotoxin and humans”

“Fast acting poisons”


“Worst Arabic insults”

“Hiking in Afghanistan”

“Funny zoology terms” – Note to self: anyone who would know these terms, doesn’t think of them as funny. Such a shame.

“How long does it take a brand to heal”

“Day by day photos of branding burn healing” – I actually found this. It was simultaneously super helpful and probably one of the most disturbing things I have seen. The blogger was very descriptive.

“McLaren 675 LT United States” – this car though. Seriously. *wants*

“What does julekake taste like” – Because actually making it would just be too difficult

“What happens if you spray someone in the face with Windex?” – As it turns out, not much. Unless they try to kill you for it, in which case, you have a scene.

“Heel and toe shifting” – I am seriously impressed by anyone who can do this

“How long does an MRI take”

“Spinal injuries”

“Caesium and water” – one very cool reaction!

“Sodium polyacrylate” – essentially a fancy word for the stuff inside diapers

“High stakes poker” – not going to lie, I actually really like watching poker on TV. I watched more than I needed to in order to write the scene.

“How does Kevlar work?”

“How electrical panels work?”

“Hydraulics for free fall”

“The science of telling lies”

“Stunt driving phrases”

There you have it! My Google search history behind the first draft of Beakers! I know I've got more research to do to get this draft cleaned up and ready to go. More searches to come!