Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Dream Update: Week 27

As one of my resolutions on my 26th birthday, I decided to record every dream I have for the next year. I blearily type notes into my phone each morning and pretty much just correct typos before posting here. My rules: I won't post something that would embarrass someone else (things I find embarrassing are another story). I only record dreams I recall upon waking up in the morning (no 3 a.m. bathroom break or post-nap recordings).

Without further ado, here's week 27:

July 16:
I woke up and there were three snakes under the covers of the bed - one tiny black one and two larger black ones. I freaked out and told Zack to make sure they didn't get away while I ran through our very jumbled, mostly-in-boxes apartment looking for empty boxes to trap the snakes in. Instead, I found a teeny-tiny bottle (like the kind they put seashells in and sell on Florida beaches to tourists). Zack managed to cram the tiny snake in there somehow. The second snake I trapped with a large plastic bin. He hissed and then turned from black to orange, yellow and tan spotted. I flipped him up in the container so he wouldn't squeeze out the bottom then went for the third and now (because it grew somehow) largest snake. I missed my first time, landing the container halfway across his body. He wasn't happy about that. Then our cat Kahlua came to investigate. I narrowly pulled her away before she got bit. When I looked up, snake #2 was still in his container but was sitting up real high and pretty like a cobra. And I knew he could get out if he wanted to.

Two custodial students were washing UNW's indoor track so I couldn't run. Instead, I ran in the hall outside the racquetball courts. This mom and her two kids stopped by me. The kids did my cha cha abs routine with me.

July 17:
My mom, dad, Nicole and Tawnya all went to live with the West family (my sister's husband's side of the family). My parents built an expansion on their house and they agreed to live together to try to save money. I went into Nicole's room (which looked like her childhood room with mint green walls) and she had floor to ceiling closets on half the room just stuffed with clothes -- mostly sports jerseys. I asked her why she never wore them because I thought sports jerseys were super cool. She just kinda shrugged.

Then I was going on a walk with the fam and they said they'd moving out from West's after all. Apparently they'd had some disagreement about who they should have come out to fix the dining room table. West's wanted this old friend who was really slow and not responsive. I remember my dad saying, "Business is business."

The trail we were walking became very muddy then and my parents remembered they had moved the truck closer so we'd actually walked past it already. We turned around and trudged through the mud back toward the truck. This fancy red mustang (though it said Chrysler on the front) came down the path slowly. I tried to move out of the way but my feet were stuck in the mud. He ran into me, but super slowly, and I climbed up on his hood shouting about the mud. He still didn't stop so I grabbed a piece of his fancy car and ripped it off and then jumped off the side.

My friend Kate and I were meeting up for lunch. I met her at KM (my old workplace) and Beki (old coworker) was there. Beki wouldn't stop talking about this little pink flower she had in a tiny glass case at her desk. Kate was annoyed.

July 18:
I was at a Caribou in a Sam's Club with someone's mom. She was ordering drinks and I was going to wait in line to checkout hoping we'd sync up so that by the time she ordered, I could pay (apparently they had this two line system...sort of like the cut counter vs. registers at a fabric store). I got to the register before she was ready with the drinks though. I explained the situation to the cashier and they sent me to a secondary line. Soon others were joining that line as well. This strange guy ended up behind me and he stood uncomfortably close to me the whole time. Then I saw Alyssa in the line. We hugged and she cried. There was a brilliant rainbow in the purple evening sky with stars.

I was at UNW standing out on the campus green with a cordless drill in hand. There was a concert directed by my 6th grade teacher Mrs. Wright. High school classmate Matt D played a really crazy fast song on the piano. He missed a few notes but no one cared because it was so impressive anyway. I was trying to sneak around the event, but kept getting in the way as people entered/exited the stage.

Then I was at an outdoors class where they teach about how to handle emergencies by acting them out. So this overly obese lady pretended to fall on these rocks and everyone laughed. The guide said, "No, it's quite serious." Then an old lady was attacked by a bear. I'm pretty sure that was real and not a skit, but who knows for sure.

July 19:
At my childhood church at some sort of party. There was fried chicken and a bunch of my friends were there, only things weren't going super well. It was dark and rainy outside.

July 20:
Jill B (one of my mom's friends) met me in the hall at my old school LCA. She told me about the fire she had for my mom and asked that I "make a siren to give it to her" (I have NO CLUE what that means now..that's what I wrote in my notes). I had no idea what she was talking about (apparently I had no clue then either) but agreed nonetheless.

Later, Jill found me and again iterated how important this fire thing was. I again pretended to know what she was talking about. Later I met up with my mom who was pregnant and in labor (weird). We were in this parking lot and Jill came up to the car, surprised to see no fire on my mom. I explained that, "I figured you'd given it to one of my siblings and they got confused, so I didn't say anything because I didn't want to embarrass you." (This was perfectly logical in the dream.)

Jill then explained that the fire is a fake metal fire that you buckle around your ankle and it's supposed to bring you luck. Of course! And that would need a siren ankle luck...

Then Zack and I were riding in a car with Chelsea (one of my college roommates). We went to her grandparent's house and met her grandpa. Zack and I were whispering to each other about how he was a total Druid, or possibly Ranger, while he led us into the trees explaining along the way what they were and how to use them. He was frustrated that others didn't use the forest like he did and that they cut down all the food trees.

I was in Renaissance time with the Doctor (10th, obviously), and had a book I had to smuggle to someone. I scaled a castle wall on a rope like those chandelier ropes people cut and ride up in the movies. I then distracted a party by ordering drinks for everyone so I could sneak through them without anyone following me.

July 21:
At my childhood church again. There were various camps being held there (soccer, dance, etc). I was manning a station in the lobby with my co-worker Megan. Out of nowhere, this UNW lady comes over demanding to have three interviews scheduled for Kelly (other coworker) immediately. She already has times picked out, but Kelly has stuff on her calendar for those times already. I try to explain this and the women becomes completely indignant that I won't schedule these interviews for her. She's yelling at me in the lobby and telling me how horrible a job I'm doing. Then I learn that these three people have already been interviewed and she's just wanting Kelly's assessment back.

I dreamed I was a crazy person in a rehab center. I was about to graduate but was only tricking everyone into thinking I was sane. Our final project was using play doh and markers to write a sort of final pledge or message that would be handed to the main staff doctor at graduation. We all made ours and had them approved but after everyone had left the room, I changed mine to say something else that was less than kosher. Mwa-ha-ha-ha.

Finally, I dreamed I was going to marry this guy and I was wearing a highlighter yellow tube top an white tutu. At the last minute I realized I didn't love him and jumped in a taxi, asking to be taken to a thrift store that accepts fabric. The taxi dropped me at this seamstress's house where I have to climb flight after flight of rickety stairs looking for her. There are miscellaneous guns all over the place and random stuffed animals (like, taxidermy kind, not cuddly kind). Finally I came upon the woman. She agreed to buy my wedding attire from me, but first asked me to sit with her and watch the movie Babe. She had a ton of cats and was cleaning a rifle.

July 22:
I dreamed that I was a dog hanging out with all these other dogs and watching (sometimes live and sometimes on TV) America's Got Talent. A boy with some sort of mental disability came on and made spaghetti and meatballs while spouting various quotes from and about Porky Pig. We dogs argued about whether he should go on to the next round or not.

Then I was in this twisty parking ramp in Duluth. It was raining. Tyler was there too. I'm not sure where I was trying to go, but wherever it was, I couldn't seem to get there.

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